The dynamics of information-system-driven value creation:a responsibility shared by the senior management of corporations – CIGREF – McKinsey

5 août 2008 | Cigref in english

You can download « The dynamics of information-system-driven value creation: a responsibility shared by the senior management of corporations ».

[…] This document is the third publication to emerge from work initiated in 2002 by CIGREF and McKinsey & Company with the aim of clarifying the conditions under which the information systems (IS) of major companies create value.

Two earlier white papers, published in 2002 and 2004, described different models for the relationships between the CIO, the CEO, and the Business Units (BUs). We also identifed differing degrees of maturity in these relationships ranging from simply communicating to building mutual trust.

This latest analysis probes deeper into the concept of IS-driven value creation, and the conditions favorable to it, based on observations of best practice in major French and international companies. […]

Download « 2008 – The dynamics of information-system-driven value creation : A responsibility shared by the senior management of corporations » [pdf, 3,8 Mo]

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