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Economic and Ecological IT Management Model – 2022 edition

Economic and Ecological IT Management Model – 2022 edition

Discover the 2022 version of Cigref's Economic and ecological IT management model. Written by Joachim Treyer, Managing Director of Cost House, Steve Gordon, Cost House Partner and Elena Silvera, Cigref Project Manager, with contributions from Cigref’s team of...

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IT Job Profiles Nomenclature – 2022 version

IT Job Profiles Nomenclature – 2022 version

Since 1991, Cigref has maintained a nomenclature of job profiles in the Information Technology (IT) Departments of Cigref member companies. This tool does not present what IT professions will be in the future, but what they are today, and proposes consensual...

Sobriété numérique : vers une prise de conscience collective ?

Sobriété numérique : vers une prise de conscience collective ?

Les questions environnementales et énergétiques prennent une importance sociétale de premier plan. L’actualité nous le rappelle de manière quotidienne. Elles sont désormais inscrites à l’agenda de la plupart des directions générales. Les directions du numérique ne...

IT Governance : Audit guide for companies in the digital era

IT Governance : Audit guide for companies in the digital era

#GAGSI2019 - AFAI-ISACA, Cigref and IFACI presented the new edition of the IT Governance Audit Guide at a conference on March 25, 2019. It takes into account the evolution of IT governance in companies undergoing digital transformation. The guide is a practical tool...

Comment se faire virer quand on est DSI ?

Comment se faire virer quand on est DSI ?

En introduction du colloque organisé par le Cigref, l’Afai et l’Ifaci, le 25 mars 2019 sur la gouvernance du système d’information de l’entreprise numérique, Henri d’Agrain, délégué général du Cigref, sur un texte de Philippe Rosé de Best Practices SI, a mis en scène,...

[Cigref Report] The 5-year evolution of the working environment

[Cigref Report] The 5-year evolution of the working environment

The IT as a service for the employee experience. In early 2018, Cigref launched a study on the changes to organisations, digital tools and management methods that could take place in employees' work environments in the next five years. Thirty public and private member...