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Anticipating cyberattacks: from surveillance to crisis management

Anticipating cyberattacks: from surveillance to crisis management

In an increasingly connected world, businesses large and small now find themselves exposed to cyberattacks of all kinds. The rapid digitisation of organisations has considerably extended their attack surface, creating a major challenge for preserving their digital...

IT Department performance:financial, but not only…

IT Department performance:
financial, but not only…

The digital transformation of businesses has never been so rapid, whether it's to meet their growing needs, to better manage and exploit company data or to offer an improved customer experience. This transformation is generating an ever-increasing number of projects...

Cigref memo: Recommendations on generative AI

Cigref memo: Recommendations on generative AI

When the ChatGPT (Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer) application was made available to the general public in November 2022, it created a media storm in the field of artificial intelligence technologies and generated a veritable craze. ChatGPT made visible the...

Levers for reducing IT Department costs

Levers for reducing IT Department costs

To tackle the subject of cost reduction, it is necessary to rely on a common methodology and definitions. This common language means that we need to look at the different reasons for this reduction, and to consider a number of concepts such as cost avoidance, the...

La performance de la DSI : financière, mais pas seulement…

La performance de la DSI : financière, mais pas seulement…

La transformation digitale des entreprises n’a jamais été aussi rapide, que ce soit pour répondre aux besoins croissants des métiers, pour mieux gérer et exploiter les données de l’entreprise ou pour proposer un parcours client amélioré. Cette transformation génère un...

Les leviers de réduction des coûts de la DSI

Les leviers de réduction des coûts de la DSI

Pour aborder le sujet de la réduction des coûts, il est nécessaire de s'appuyer sur une méthodologie et des définitions communes. Ce langage commun implique de s’interroger sur les différents motifs à l’origine de cette réduction, et de s'intéresser à plusieurs...

Mise en application du Digital Market Act

Mise en application du Digital Market Act

Le Digital Market Act ou DMA, réglementation européenne sur laquelle le Cigref s’est beaucoup impliqué au cours de ces dernières années, entre en application à compter d’aujourd’hui, mardi 2 mai 2023. Télécharger le communiqué de presse Maintenant que le DMA...

Cloud Migration Strategies: a structural challenge for companies

Cloud Migration Strategies: a structural challenge for companies

Cigref publishes a report on the results of the work of its working group on "cloud migration strategies", co-chaired by Jean-Christophe Lalanne, EVP IT at Air France KLM, and Stéphane Rousseau, CIO at Eiffage. This updated version of the first version of the Cloud...

Cigref publishes its 2022 activity report

Cigref publishes its 2022 activity report

Cigref publishes a review of its activities for 2022, in english. This institutional document presents the life of the association. Please find below the Chairman’s editorial, written by Jean-Claude Laroche. [calameo code=005869235b4623575f00c mode=viewer width=100%...