Meet the Cigref

Key player in the digital society


Cigref is a network of major French companies and public administrations set up in order to develop its members ability to acquire and master digital technology.

Cigref's Activity Report 2021

Network of major companies

Created in 1970, Cigref is a nonprofit organization. It counts among its members some 150 major French corporations and public administrations across all business sectors, all users of digital services.

Digital player

It is a key player and federating body in the digital society, thanks to its high-quality thinking and the extent to which it represents its members.

To serve its members

15 Board members, elected by the General Assembly, ensure its governance. A team of 10 permanent members leads the activities.

our blog

The outlook for 5G in 2030 in France and Europe

The outlook for 5G in 2030 in France and Europe

In collaboration with Futuribles International, Cigref has published a report on the work of the "5G Outlook to 2030" working group, led by Anne Lucas, Head of Strategic Information Management and Capitalisation at Acome, for Futuribles, as well as Djilali Kies, Chief...

Understanding digital stakes to support business in China

Understanding digital stakes to support business in China

This is the translation of the Cigref's report "Understanding digital stakes to support business in China" published in April 2021. This report, which is the result of meetings of a working group led by Jean-Michel André, Cigref Administrator, aims to give...

Collaborative suites: use value and alternatives

Collaborative suites: use value and alternatives

Cigref publishes the report "Collaborative suites: use value and alternatives", the result of the work of its working group led by Stéphane Rousseau, Chief Information Officer at EIFFAGE and Vice-President of Cigref. [calameo code=005869235e87df0d69609 mode=viewer...

Cigref publishes its 2019/2020 activity report

Cigref publishes its 2019/2020 activity report

Cigref publishes a review of its activities for the period 2019/2020, in english. This institutional document presents the life of the association, and in particular its reaction to the health crisis, and reviews the issues raised by the many activities (clubs,...

GAIA-X: Launch of the French Hub

GAIA-X: Launch of the French Hub

Each Member State of the European Union, interested in GAIA-X approach, is invited to organise a hub on its territory to bring together the various stakeholders in the initiative, whether or not they joined GAIA-X association. The Secretary of State for Digital...

Digital Sobriety : A responsible corporate approach

Digital Sobriety : A responsible corporate approach

#DigitalSobriety - Cigref publishes the report "Digital Sobriety : A responsible corporate approach", in partnership with The Shift Project, resulting from the reflections of its eponymous working group, led by Christophe Boutonnet and Hervé Dumas. [calameo...

The economy at the risk of cybersecurity

The economy at the risk of cybersecurity

On Friday 13 November 2020, Cigref addressed a letter to Mr Jean Castex, the French Prime Minister, to express the concern of large French companies and public administrations about the growth of cyber-attacks. These attacks, which are increasing in number and...

[Cigref report] New business platforms: strategy, design and deployment

[Cigref report] New business platforms: strategy, design and deployment

Platforms - Cigref publishes the English version of is report "New platform strategies - strategy, design and deployment", resulting from the reflections of its eponymous working group, led by Stéphane Deux and Jean-Christophe Lalanne. French version here. [calameo...

Cigref's activity report 2018-2019

Cigref's activity report 2018-2019

On the eve of its fiftieth birthday, Cigref is putting itself in a position to meet the challenges facing each of its members, in an ever more uncertain environment, focusing on achieving digital success, with the ultimate aim of entering a new age, for a better or at...

SWIPO: Failure to regulate the European cloud market

SWIPO: Failure to regulate the European cloud market

#SWIPO - Cigref and its members cannot recognise the legitimacy of the documents (Codes of Conduct, description of the future legal entity for the governance of these codes) which should be submitted, on November 26th 2019, in Helsinki, to the ministers of the Finnish...

IT Governance : Audit guide for companies in the digital era

IT Governance : Audit guide for companies in the digital era

#GAGSI2019 - AFAI-ISACA, Cigref and IFACI presented the new edition of the IT Governance Audit Guide at a conference on March 25, 2019. It takes into account the evolution of IT governance in companies undergoing digital transformation. The guide is a practical tool...

[Cigref Report] The 5-year evolution of the working environment

[Cigref Report] The 5-year evolution of the working environment

The IT as a service for the employee experience. In early 2018, Cigref launched a study on the changes to organisations, digital tools and management methods that could take place in employees' work environments in the next five years. Thirty public and private member...

[Cigref report] Blockchain: from theory to practice in large companies

[Cigref report] Blockchain: from theory to practice in large companies

Blockchain is an extremely innovative information exchange protocol that cleverly combines known and well-understood technologies whose use can be disruptive in many sectors given the significance of its industrial potential by removing the disintermediation who today...

Digital ethics: a guide for professionals of the digital age

Digital ethics: a guide for professionals of the digital age

Cigref and Syntec Numérique, as representatives of the main players in digital society, believe that a common and shared vision of digital ethics needs to be developed as a matter of urgency, in order to build, together, the solid basis needed for trust going forward....

[Cigref Report] Open source, an alternative to major IT providers

[Cigref Report] Open source, an alternative to major IT providers

In the context of the 4th edition of the Paris Open Source Summit (POSS), the first event in Europe on open source, free software and open digital technology, Cigref published a report "Open source, an alternative to major IT providers". Led by Stéphane Rousseau, CIO...

[Cigref Report] Cybersecurity: Visualize, Understand, Decide

[Cigref Report] Cybersecurity: Visualize, Understand, Decide

Today, the pressure of digital transformation and the dematerialization of physical processes means that companies now hardly ever possess any essential functions operating independently of their information systems. It is therefore of vital importance to the company...

Hack Academy, cyber campaign CIGREF

Hack Academy, cyber campaign CIGREF

4 clips Hack Academy CIGREF CIGREF undertakes many actions in the field of cybersecurity: information, education, publications, awareness... After creating a serious game called "Keep an Eye Out" designed to involve company’s employees in preventing digital risks,...

CIGREF in a nutshell…

CIGREF in a nutshell…

CIGREF, an association of companies Founded in 1970, CIGREF brings together 150 French companies and organisations from all sectors. To this end, CIGREF has three aims: To bring together major companies using information systems, To support CIOs and help them develop...

The new roles of the IS function

The new roles of the IS function

Missions, competences and marketing of the function A CIGREF working group gathered CIO from various companies to exchange on the following topic: "the new roles of the IS (Information System) function".  The main question was "What is contribution of the IS function...