The Stakes and Challenges
Attracting IT talent
and improving their employability
The IT department will also have to, on the run-up to 2020, strengthen
its capacity to attract and keep talents, to develop e-leadership and to
accompany IT teams.
To cover all the missions of the IS function, certain areas
of expertise are crucial: architecture design, application
design, the monitoring of technological developments,
the development of an information security strategy, risk
management, the development of an IT quality assurance
strategy, information management, and knowledge of IT governance.
It will also be important to create “intrapreneurial” spaces in which IT
teams will be able to foster creative practices and teamwork.
As watchmen, orchestrators, bond forgers, service brokers, collectors
of innovation, the directors of the IT function will have to adopt an
essential set of roles and responsibilities to rise to the challenges set
by the digital transformation of companies.
Certain areas of
are crucial