The 2020 Enterprise in the Digital Age...
Reinventing the business model…
or going out of business!
The context: how companies are being destabilised
Technology has considerably lowered the barrier to entry to themarket,
and the development of no-cost models has favoured the emergence
of business models that have destabilised the positions acquired by
historical actors in most sectors.
As such, in the digital age, existing approaches to creating and
describing business models are no longer adapted to new styles of
business. Technologies and services are becoming obsolete faster than
before, consumers are calling for innovation and customer experience,
the need for flexibility burdens production capacity and information
systems, cooperation is becoming unavoidable…
In this shifting context, the risk of going out of business has never been
so real: incidentally, this is what stimulates collaboration and forges
alliances between rival stakeholders. Coopetition is an antidote to the
risk of decline that is threatening companies, whatever their size.
The risk of going out of business
has never been so real!