Page 3 - The 2020 Enterprise

The Stakes and Challenges
CIGREF is an association founded in 1970,
which brings together nearly
nd organisations from all sectors
banking, insurance, energy, distribution,
industry, services…).
The mission of our Network for Large Companies is to “promote
digital cultureas a sourceof innovationandperformance”, and to
be a hub for information, analysis, exchanges and orientations
related to business at the heart of the digital world”.
CIGREF has been considering the necessary digital
transformation of our companies since its
The occasion saw the publication of a first work
showing how digital companies define
themselves through “
a digital vision and a digital strategy in all
dimensions of their business model
It also holds the conviction
that the human factor, i.e. interpersonal skills and technical
know-how, is at the heart of the development of digital
businesses of the future.
Pascal Buffard
President of CIGREF
Chairman of
Axa Technology Services