The Stakes and Challenges
The stakes: leading by example,
building a team of experts
A leader who doesn’t understand or who can’t put into practice their
digital leadership is missing out on business opportunities. French
executives (particularly those under 40), with responsibilities in so-
called conventional businesses, should show a better understanding
of, and a stronger disposition towards, digital technology.
The challenge for many leaders is to adapt their leadership
to the new rules and codes introduced by digital
technology: building links between the different business
sectors, managing change, developing a global strategic
vision, encouraging innovation and experimentation…
At the same time, leaders need to surround themselves with experts
in information technology, in products and services, in client relations,
etc. They will be able to give meaning to the business transformation
through clear and stated objectives.
These challenges require new ways of working that clash with the
very conceptual vision of French leaders, who are used to thinking
things through very thoroughly before acting. In the context of
digital transformation, leaders must, on the contrary, act and think
simultaneously and take more risks.
Able to adapt
its leadership