Page 46 - The 2020 Enterprise

The 2020 Enterprise in the Digital Age...
The challenges: teaching and learning
regularly giving reasons for actions, with respect to
the business strategy and individual contributions.
teaching digital literacy to leaders, for example through
exchange sessions with the IT department: leaders must identify
the investment potential for their business in digital technology,
and understand the economic and managerial benefits, as well as
the associated risks. Young executives must, for their part, develop
their knowledge and their understanding of digital technology, and
decide on the investment needed to transform their businesses.
Leading by example
it’s vital that managers lead by example in
collaborative approaches. Lack of leadership is a clearly identified
obstacle to the success of collaborative approaches, comparable to
a lack of clarity in objectives.
Crossing disciplines
reorganising internal functions, putting a
stronger accent on interdisciplinary approaches and giving employees
more independence.
redistributing power inside the business to develop
greater flexibility: grouping different business sectors, getting them
to work together…
Looking ahead
going beyond current levels of leader awareness,
i.e. investing for the long term.