The Stakes and Challenges
Technological trends:
disruptive digital technology
Every year numerous consulting groups and experts identify the
technologies that will create disruption. We have chosen to focus on the
twelve disruptive technologies identified by the McKinsey
group in 2013. These technologies were judged disruptive
because of their rapid evolution, the wide audiences they
concern, the change they are creating in our life and work
styles, and their potential to create wealth.
Accordingly, the economic impact of these twelve technologies will
be between 14 and 33,000 billion dollars every year until 2025, taking
into account their effects on consumption, the environment and
Among those twelve, seven are digital: automation of knowledge, the
internet of things, advanced robotics, 3D printing, cloud technology,
mobile internet and autonomous and near-autonomous vehicles.
The other five technologies are: advanced materials, next-generation
genomics, energy storage, renewable energy, and advanced oil and gas
exploration and recovery.
According to the works of the scenario planner Richard Watson, in
addition to the seven digital disruptive technologies, we should also
take into account other technological trends that will contribute to
shaping the world of 2020: