Cigref’s « trusted cloud » referential expresses the generic trust needs of Cigref members as users of cloud services. It summarizes Cigref’s work carried out since 2019 by the « trusted cloud » working group, led by Vincent Niebel, CIO of the EDF Group.
This version, known as V3 takes into account the Cloud Service Providers’ remarks on the V2 version in order to bring demand and supply into line. As a reminder, version V2 has taken into account comments received from Gaia-X’s European hubs and European user associations.
The V3 version also improves the environmental aspect by refining the criteria and rearranging them to give a better overall picture. Indeed, companies are convinced of the importance of gaining maturity in this environmental area, in terms of decarbonisation targets set by Europe, as well as their own Corporate Social Responsibility policies and the urgent need to tackle climate change. Furthermore, this is a major issue for their ecosystem (partners, suppliers, customers, users, etc.), for a significant number of their employees whom they are seeking to retain, and also for attracting future talent.