In July 2023, Cigref published its first information and news note titled « Recommendations on generative AI ». Six months later, the particularly rapid development of solutions integrating this type of technology, the experiments and...
Cigref in english
Digital professions: a sense and an appetite – Recommendations to guide digital training courses
While the digital ecosystem has the greatest demand for skilled workers for its professions, the education and training institutions that provide knowledge and attract talent are often seen as mere components of the education and training sector responsible for...
Cigref’s Strategic orientation report 2023: « 10 wild cards by 2030-2040 ».
At its 53rd General Assembly, Cigref unveiled the 2023 edition of its Strategic Orientation Report, ‘10 ruptures à l'horizon 2030-2040’. This Strategic Orientation Report (SOR) responds to the concerns and need for anticipation and preparation for crises expressed by...
Technical Specifications Booklet (TSB) to be integrated in a Request For Proposal for trusted cloud solutions
A certain number of Cigref members are planning to issue a Request For Proposal (RFP) for trusted cloud solutions. That is why we decided to work collectively on drafting the technical part of such a RFP, taking into account the Cigref trusted cloud...
Anticipating cyberattacks: from surveillance to crisis management
In an increasingly connected world, businesses large and small now find themselves exposed to cyberattacks of all kinds. The rapid digitisation of organisations has considerably extended their attack surface, creating a major challenge for preserving their digital...
Metaverse: Demystification and the road ahead
This report on metavers, produced by the Cigref working group led by Malika Mir, Director of Information Systems at GROUPE BEL, and Olivier Le Garlantezec, Digital Tech Partnerships Director at LVMH Group, explores the various issues facing organisations and society...
Le Cigref et ses partenaires européens publient un Manifeste pour les élections européennes.
Nos quatre associations, Beltug en Belgique, Cigref en France, CIO Platform Nederland aux Pays-Bas et Voice en Allemagne, qui représentent collectivement plus de mille grandes entreprises européennes utilisatrices de technologies numériques, ont identifié quatre...
Digitising the working environment of frontline workers – Summary
Today, digitisation is increasingly extending beyond the physical boundaries of organisations: frontline workers (industrial operators, service agents, labourers, etc.) are affected by it, as part of a continuum of digital services between the office and the field....
Data-driven business management: extracting value from data across the enterprise
In this digital age, data is often presented as the black gold of the 21st century, constituting inestimable wealth for humanity. However, unlike oil, whose value is widely recognised, data remains largely untapped in our businesses and public administrations....
Auditing digital governance: Major changes to the Digital Governance Audit Guide
Organisations today are finding that, with the acceleration of technological developments, the “softwarisation” of products and production chains, and the digitisation of all organisational processes, the contribution of digital technology to the company's value chain...
Cigref publishes its third version of the trusted cloud reference document
Cigref's "trusted cloud" referential expresses the generic trust needs of Cigref members as users of cloud services. It summarizes Cigref's work carried out since 2019 by the "trusted cloud" working group, led by Vincent Niebel, CIO of the EDF Group. This version,...
Overview of European digital legislation: Understanding the applicable regulations
In response to the constant evolution and development of digital technologies, the European Union has adopted a "Digital Agenda for Europe 2020-2030". As part of this strategy, the European Commission has proposed a number of regulations aimed at regulating the role...