The present document is the synthesis of documents issued by CIGREF (organisation representing IT users) and Syntec Informatique (organisation representing IT vendors) between 2003 and 2004.
On 24 February 2003 CIGREF and Syntec Informatique signed a charter which committed both professional associations to respect 10 fundamental orientations in order to promote the optimal use of technology and information systems as a vector for creating value for companies.
The 10 points of the charter are as follows:
- Business knowledge
- Transparency
- Impartiality
- Independence of opinion and expression
- Quality
- Innovation
- Circulation of information
- Knowledge-sharing
- Productivity
- Follow-up of the charter
This document recapitulates a set of recommendations related to these orientations which are applicable to all services carried out between a client (member of CIGREF) and a service provider (member of Syntec Informatique).
The document focuses on four main type of IT services :
- Outsourcing and third-party application maintenance (TAM)
- Engineering and system integration
- Organisation and information system consulting
- Software packages (ERP)
The elaboration of this document was entrusted to a joint commission made up of the lifeblood of the two associations.
The Charter is the concrete expression of the expertise of CIGREF and Syntec informatique and their shared desire to promote better use of information technologies to create value for the enterprise.
The two associations have undertaken to promote amongst their members ten fundamental orientations with regard to the mastery of technologies, business and projects.
Télécharger « 2005 – CIGREF Syntec Informatique Charter » [pdf, 573 ko]