Digital Sobriety : A responsible corporate approach

4 décembre 2020 | ACTUALITÉS, Cigref in english, Publications du Cigref

#DigitalSobriety – Cigref publishes the report « Digital Sobriety : A responsible corporate approach », in partnership with The Shift Project, resulting from the reflections of its eponymous working group, led by Christophe Boutonnet and Hervé Dumas.

The Cigref working group on digital sobriety, in partnership with The Shift Project, gave itself the objective of helping businesses organise their approaches to digital sobriety in a transversal way, starting with the existing work and concrete actions taken in organisations.

Keys to take action

What are the prerequisites for the implementation of a digital sobriety approach, and what are the levers that organisations can use to reduce the environmental footprint of digital technology in a sustainable way? This deliverable provides keys to action and proposes a reference of 100 good practices to help deploy a digital sobriety approach throughout the company.

Implementation of Digital Sobriety in large organisations

This report breaks down the main steps to help you organise your thinking and actions to raise awareness of and implement digital sobriety in large organisations:

  • Identify the prerequisites to a digital sobriety approach: have executives’ sponsorship, modernise infrastructure and architectures, accompany use cases, raise awareness and training
  • Use strong arguments and action drivers to convince and trigger decisions: demonstrate the value of “lean” digital projects, anticipate the impact of regulations, collectively define what is required of suppliers, anticipate the impact of upcoming technological breakthroughs.
  • Steer and coordinate actions with dedicated governance: companies are increasingly working towards coordinating IT and CSR divisions’ actions on shared objectives around digital sobriety. You should integrate digital sobriety into the processes and decisions throughout the organisation in a transversal way. This will help you to steer, track, evaluate and improve the organisation’s digital sobriety approach.
  • Tools: to help prioritise and implement digital sobriety actions, a reference of best practices has been drafted. It uses eight key vectors to describe the key steps to take into account in a digital sobriety approach. This reference can be compared to a governance framework used to break down the key domains of action while keeping a philosophy of transversality. It should provide an initial framework that will be useful both for raising awareness and for implementing concrete actions on digital sobriety.

The 8 vectors of Digital Sobriety in companies

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