For the seventh time since 1991, CIGREF has updated its Nomenclature of IS roles which provides a description of the roles existing in the Information Systems Departments of large companies.
As a result of its studies, started in 2002, concerning e-competences and its participation in work conducted at a European level, CIGREF’s HR group has decided to incorporate the competences from the e-CF into its nomenclature of roles. This nomenclature had already been formatted to allow this in its 2009 version. In 2010, the role data sheets were thus completed accordingly.
The 36 competences described in the e-CF (except Channel Management which does not concern the user companies) were distributed as part of each role data sheet in the CIGREF nomenclature depending on the real needs of companies in the HR group. The work was based on the existing tools and reference frameworks used in these companies.
A role data sheet therefore now contains the descriptions of each competence necessary to exercise the role, as well as the required level of each competence.
The full competence framework (e-CF) is also as an annex.
Today, many CIGREF member companies have adopted the CIGREF nomenclature of roles and several have also adopted the European e-Competence Framework, e-CF. This new version of the nomenclature should be suitable to meet their needs.
Download 2011 – Information Systems roles in large companies: HR Nomenclature – CIGREF [pdf, 1,8 Mo]
Version française de la nomenclature 2011