Since 1991, Cigref has maintained a nomenclature of job profiles in the Information Technology (IT) Departments of Cigref member companies. This tool does not present what IT professions will be in the future, but what they are today, and proposes consensual descriptions of job profiles based on the reference systems present in companies.
A final version for 2022
Cigref’s collection of IT job profiles currently contains 50 job profile descriptions. Each one is described in a profile that includes a title, a mission, the activities required to carry out this mission, the performance indicators and deliverables linked to this role, the career path, and trends and development factors.
A major update of this tool was released in 2018. This followed the publication of a Cigref report in 2016, « Collaborateur 2020 », which noted how digital technology was changing the world, transforming business models and changing forms of management. Cigref’s work therefore naturally focused on the new job profiles that were emerging or gaining importance simultaneously in most companies. These job profiles covered several areas:
- Data: Data Analyst, Data Scientist, Data Engineer, Chief Data Officer, Data Privacy Officer
- Agile: Agile Coach, Scrum Master, Product Owner
- Security: IT Auditor, Cybersecurity Expert, CISO
- Supplier management: IT Buyer, Contract Manager, Vendor Manager, Software Asset Manager
- Finally, jobs linked to the transformation of companies: Chief digital officer, IT marketing manager, Green IT manager, and IT project manager (PMO)
Most of these professions have changed enormously in the past three years, and it became necessary to update their 2018 description, which, although widely agreed upon at the time, had become obsolete by 2020-2021.
The 2021 Nomenclature updated these roles, plus a few others which also saw significant changes, such as the Enterprise Architect.
The 2021 version was an intermediate version because it did not integrate competences in the description of job profiles. The 2018 Nomenclature was based on the European e-Competence Framework – e-CF(EN 16234:2016) in its third version of 2016. However, the European Commission published a new, fourth version (EN 16234 :2019) in December 2019, which was more than a simple update: many competences were revised, new ones were added to reflect reality, and elements in common (named “transversal aspects”) to all competences were attached, such as Accessibility, Ethics, ICT Legal Issues, Privacy, Security, Sustainability and Usability.
Integration of skills in the description of job profiles
For intellectual property reasons, Cigref was not able to obtain this version in French (NF EN 16234-1-FR) until spring 2021. Moreover, it was not relevant to update jobs in 2020-2021 with skills whose 2016 description was in most cases obsolete and which would then have to be revised with the latest version. Therefore, we decided not to include the skills of the European e-CF framework in the 2021 document.
This new, 2022 version is an update of the 2021 intermediate version with the inclusion of the digital competences of the NF EN 16234-1-EN standard in all the job profiles. It is a complete version.