In this digital age, data is often presented as the black gold of the 21st century, constituting inestimable wealth for humanity. However, unlike oil, whose value is widely recognised, data remains largely untapped in our businesses and public administrations.
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Certain tools, such as generative artificial intelligence, recently made available to the general public, are contributing to the growing awareness of the importance of making better use of the data produced by the digitisation of human activities. They also demonstrate the extraordinary power they confer on all those who decide to take advantage of them. Provided they have these tools, adequate computing resources and access to a growing amount of data, every individual and every employee will soon be able to make better decisions within their organisation. It is therefore in the interests of every company and every public authority to harness this power and direct it towards their strategic objectives, in order to derive maximum value from it and control its risks.
But to take full advantage of this windfall, large companies and public administrations alike need to organise themselves around some simple but fundamental principles. Firstly, each business line, embodied by identified managers, must be given responsibility for using and sharing its data, and must be provided with the resources needed to manage it effectively. Secondly, it is essential to facilitate access to data for each player involved, using appropriate tools. Finally, it is essential to establish and impose common rules for the use of data throughout the organisation, to ensure that it is used responsibly and ethically. Data can then be considered and managed as a product of the organisation in its own right, in the same way as its traditional products. This approach fosters a data-centric culture and encourages informed decision-making, in line with strategic objectives.
However, implementing these principles requires a profound transformation in the way organisations organise themselves and the way they work. This report is therefore dedicated to exploring this transformation, addressing its principles, its obstacles and the best practices for overcoming the challenges that lie ahead.
In conclusion, our report aims to raise awareness of the enormous potential for value creation that data represents for our businesses and public administrations. Only by adopting a responsible, ethical and collaborative approach can we truly harness this invaluable resource for the good of all. Enjoy your reading, and bon voyage to the heart of data-driven enterprise management!
Editorial from Julie POZZI, AF KLM and Jean-Claude LAROCHE, ENEDIS