#Gaia-X: Cigref welcomes the launch of the Gaia-X initiative, in favour of the emergence of a trusted European cloud market

4 juin 2020 | Cigref in english, Communiqués

Cigref welcomes the launch of the Gaia-X’ project and the strong support given to it by the French and German governments. The Gaia-X Foundation is now acquiring a governance structure that will ensure the objectives defined in the position paper of February 18, 2020 are met. The d22 founing members are representative of the different stakeholders in the cloud market: academics, associations, providers and users of digital solutions or services.

User companies are stakeholders in Gaia-X. Three are members of Cigref.

The presence of user companies is essential to guarantee that supply and demand are consistent over time. Cigref warmly thanks three of its members, Amadeus, EDF and Safran, who have decided to commit themselves as founding members of the Gaia-X foundation, despite the difficult conditions of the current period. They will convey the needs expressed by cloud services users. Cigref will continue to ensure the collective thinking and facilitate the discussions between its members on the different topics carried by Gaia-X in accordance to its work on the trustworthy cloud.

Bernard Duverneuil’s intervention at the launch event of Gaia-X

Bernard Duverneuil, President of Cigref, in his video statement entitled Large users companies’ objectives and vision for GAIA-X, held after that of the French and German Ministers of Economy at the Gaia-X Virtual Expert Forum, recalled the needs and expectations of large enterprises using cloud services. He stressed the importance of the cloud as the foundation of digital transformation, and of digital as the main driver of economic recovery in the context of the crisis in which France and Europe are immersed.

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