IT Job Profiles Nomenclature 2024 version

16 décembre 2024 | ACTUALITÉS, Cigref in english, Communiqués

Since 1991, Cigref has maintained a nomenclature of existing job profiles in the digital departments of Cigref member companies. This tool does not represent what IS professions « should » or « will » be, but what they are today in these organizations. It therefore provides consensual descriptions of job profiles based on the repositories that exist within companies.

A comprehensive reference

Cigref Nomenclature 2024 brings together 52 job profile descriptions, each of which is presented in the form of a sheet containing a job title, a mission, the activities required to carry out this mission, some KPIs and deliverables related to this job profile, the career path, and trends and development factors. Like its predecessors, it also includes the digital skills defined in the European standard EN 16234-1-EN: 2019 in all job profiles.

New IS Job Profiles

For this new 2024 version, the Cigref Working Group has created two new job profiles to complement the “2.Project Management” and “8.Data” families.

  • The Product Manager: The emergence of this profile is the result of the evolution of agile projects, and in particular the increase in activities delegated to the Product Owner, some of which have migrated to the Product Manager. This new profile is responsible for defining and managing a product/service or set of products/services (which may be grouped into product lines) in accordance with the IS and strategic objectives of the organization. Working primarily in the Agile world, the Product Manager may also manage and lead traditional projects. A new « 2.8. Product Manager » job profile has been created.           
  • With the emergence of the Product Manager, the profile of the Product Owner has changed, which is reflected in the Cigref nomenclature by a revision of the skills. The « 2.6. Product Owner » job profile has been updated.
  • Data Architect: The emergence of this profile is the result of the growing maturity of enterprise data. The Data Architect is a kind of Enterprise Architect, but with a very strong data « coloration ». His or her mission is essentially to define the data architecture according to the business needs, taking into account the IS architecture, the data governance rules and, more generally, the standards and commonalities defined at the organizational level. He/she controls its implementation and guarantees its conformity, performance, durability, suitability to business needs and optimization of the data lifecycle. This profession has given rise to a new job profile « 8.6. Data Architect ».

The working group also considered the definition of a possible « DevOps » profile, which is beginning to appear in IT organizations. However, this profile posed a problem and gave rise to much discussion. In fact, everyone agrees that DevOps means considering and integrating issues related to the production launch and operation of a product during its development, starting from the design and conception phase. But for some, DevOps skills complement existing professions; for others, it’s a new profession in its own right; and finally, some companies believe that this function can be covered by adapting the processes and activities of IT professions. Because the concept itself is still being formalized and there is no consensus on how to translate it into HR terms, DevOps has not led to the creation of a new job description.

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