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Depuis 2018, l'ensemble de nos publications sont également traduites en anglais !

Since 2018, all our reports have also been translated in English!

Les métavers : démystification et chemins à parcourir

Les métavers : démystification et chemins à parcourir

Ce rapport sur les métavers, produit par le groupe de travail Cigref piloté par Malika Mir, Directrice des Systèmes d’Information du GROUPE BEL, et Olivier Le Garlantezec, Digital Tech Partnerships Director chez LVMH Group, explore les différents enjeux auxquels sont...

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IT Department performance:financial, but not only…

IT Department performance:
financial, but not only…

The digital transformation of businesses has never been so rapid, whether it's to meet their growing needs, to better manage and exploit company data or to offer an improved customer experience. This transformation is generating an ever-increasing number of projects...

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Cigref memo: Recommendations on generative AI

Cigref memo: Recommendations on generative AI

When the ChatGPT (Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer) application was made available to the general public in November 2022, it created a media storm in the field of artificial intelligence technologies and generated a veritable craze. ChatGPT made visible the...

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