Cigref memo – AI in business: feedback and best practices

22 juillet 2024 | ACTUALITÉS, Cigref in english, Communiqués

In July 2023, Cigref published its first information and news note titled « Recommendations on generative AI ». Six months later, the particularly rapid development of solutions integrating this type of technology, the experiments and implementations within Cigref’s member companies and public administrations, as well as the media and commercial dynamics around the topic of generative AI, have led us to present the initial conclusions and positioning of our working group dedicated to this subject.

Cette note est aussi disponible en français.

The purpose of this note is to share the thoughts of the Cigref « AI & Generative AI » Working Group, led by Baladji Soussilane, Vice-President Digital & IT of the Air Liquide Group, Cigref Board member, and facilitated by Marine de Sury, Cigref Mission Director. The working group brings together more than fifty of its members to discuss their practices and share their experiences. 


AI technologies, even though they are generating a great deal of well-justified excitement, must be approached as the evolution of any new technology. We need to experiment with them and study the business stakes by analysing the value they bring, versus the development, management and operation of a new tool in a panoply already provided within companies and public administrations.

This note on generative AI tools is aimed at all employees and citizens. It offers guidelines for using the new opportunities provided by these tools, while maintaining control and being aware of the potential risks and difficulties. This document also shares a structured approach to leverage these new technologies and proposes a series of associated best practices. Finally, a last section lists the AI functions, shares a number of criteria to consider when choosing a generative AI tool and the technological building blocks to set up to benefit from the full potential of these tools.

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