Springer Briefs Series

Springer Briefs Series
in Digital Spaces

The Springer Briefs Series in Digital Spaces is a joint initiative taken by CIGREF, Springer and Professor Ahmed Bounfour, as Editor. The series aim at disseminating internationally the results of the ISD international research programme, initiated by CIGREF in 2009, as well as providing a unique platform for an international dialogue among scholars, policy and business audiences, on the emerging use of digital artifacts and systems.

Aims & scope of the Series

There is an emerging and deep transformation in mechanisms and structures of governance of companies and societies. This is due -among others- to the conjunction of several factors: the emergence of new forms of innovations in organisational design; the large dissemination of digital objects and systems beyond the traditional corporate scope; the emergence of new spaces for transacting in products, services and intermediary inputs (the knowledge markets phenomenon); and the search for a large fluidity and renewability in information and knowledge, as fundamental levers for creating value.

The Springer Briefs Series in Digital Spaces aim at modelling and assessing new values spaces arising from the leveraging of knowledge and digital spaces.

Titles already available

Editor: Ahmed Bounfour, Professor, University Paris-Sud, European Chair on Intellectual capital Management, General Rapporteur and Coordinator of the Scientific Committee, ISD programme, CIGREF Foundation.