The « Essentials Collection »

CIGREF Foundation presents the English version of the first « Essentials » of the ISD International Research Programme…

« Wave A », The « Essentials »…

« The ISD program was launched with the central aim of sketching the potential outlines of “Enterprise 2020”, by looking at how information systems have historically been used in business, as well as at emerging trends. 

There is much at stake: the goal is to understand the transformations going on around us in order to increase the value and competitiveness of our companies, their potential for innovation, and more generally to contribute to the economic, social and human development of our society

With the “Essentials Collection”, the CIGREF Foundation offers an overview of each of the projects sponsored by the ISD program. This first issue covers the first nine “Wave A” research projects« .

The 9 research projects of « Wave A »

Consult individually each one of the 9 projects:

Ce contenu a été publié dans Les Essentiels, Publications. Vous pouvez le mettre en favoris avec ce permalien.

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