The result of the second wave of research projects

The ISD international research program was initiated by the CIGREF Foundation with the objective of designing the 2020 enterprise. It is already supporting 30 research projects, carried out by leading teams from US, Europe, Asia (China, Korea, Japan, and Taiwan).

This programme has just delivered the results of the second wave of research projects.


These nine projects focus on new societal and ethical values, open innovation and knowledge flows. They are led by prestigious institutions such as the MIT, Tsinghua University, Meiji University… 

Some interesting results!

The programme already delivered several interesting results and insights with regards to the key components for the 2020 enterprise:
– The expansion of the value creation space is enhanced by projects on open innovation and knowledge flows.
– The porosity between transactional space and community space, already identified in the first research projects is confirmed with this second wave of results.
– Ethical issues should also be considered, taking into account variations in the international context, for instance European versus Asian perspective.

The 9 studies of « Wave B »


The first « Essentials »: Wave A


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